Allotrac/SendGrid Setup

Allotrac/SendGrid Setup


Here is the link to SendGridYou’ll want to sign up for an email API which will allow you to send up to 100 emails a day for free. Or upgrade to the lowest plan starting ~$14.95 a month for 50,000 emails a month. There’s a free trial period so you’ll be able to determine if it adds value or not.

In terms of the templating for what the emails look like, attached is a file detailing the SendGrid tags and a txt file that has a very basic template we made that you can edit to make your own.
SendGrid templates are made using HTML, the same coding used to create websites. SendGrid includes a drag and drop editor to make a basic framework for your email and then using the code function you’re able to enter in the tags.

Their provided guides for making templates is 
here. In the guide it will tell you to create the template via the transnational page, please use the Legacy Templates instead and create the template through that screen.

Once you are finished creating the templates in SendGrid we need to make the connection between SendGrid and Allotrac, follow the below steps to do this.

1. Login to SendGrid, on the left-hand side of your screen select the 'settings' option, then 'API Keys'.

2.  Select 'Create API Key' up the top right corner of the page.

3. Enter the API Key name as the name of your company, select 'full Access' then the 'create & View' button down the bottom right corner of the page.

4. An API Key will be created, highlight and copy the key, then select the 'done' button.

5. Next, using the left-hand side panel again select Settings, then Sender Authentication.

6. You will need a single sender verification for emails to be sent from, click on Get Started.


7. Fill out the required fields, then press the Create button down the bottom.
Please note that the From Email Address field is the email that will be used to send the emails directly to the customer. Also, please remember the From Name & From Email Address you entered as you will need them for a later step.

8. After creating the Single Sender, you will get an authentication email sent to the email you entered into the From Email Address field, simply click on the verify single sender.


9. Now login to Allotrac, select the cog up the top right corner of the page and select 'settings'. Once in the settings navigate to the header called 'SendGrid' and enable the SendGrid button, paste the API Key into the API Key field, then input the From Email Address and From name as shown in the image below. Once all details are entered in correctly, 
select the 'save' button down the bottom right corner of the page.   



When you have Allotrac and SendGrid connected, along with the templates completed, follow the below steps to connect these templates to jobs.

1. The 'All jobs' field refers to all the delivery types you have in the system. An example of how this field works is if you have 15 delivery types in the system and you want the same SendGrid POP/POD template, you select the template in the 'All jobs' field and automatically when any of your delivery types are used on a job the POP/POD went sent out will use the SendGrid template you chose.

2. The 'No Delivery Type' field allows you to add a SendGrid template that is then enabled on all jobs that has no delivery type on it.

3. At the end of the 'No Delivery Type' field you will see a Blue plus button, when you select the plus button, another field will appear below that allows you to enter in a specific delivery type that is already in your system, and then select a SendGrid template. This allows you to have different delivery types to have different SendGrid templates, you can add as many new fields by selecting the blue plus button.

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